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Received my proposed Tax Bill...Now What? 

Mayor Joy Cooper


 This past week the property appraiser sent out what is called a proposed tax bill. This is not a bill, just a statement and notice of the public hearings. When we set the tentative rate in June it was a reduction. This bill reflects the fact that we reduced taxes but that was with tax a rate of 7.9. Last month we reduced the tax rate even further to 7.5 so your bill will be lower than the proposed.  

When you read your bill, it begins with the rate last year then the proposed. While the rate is reduced due to property values and save our homes cap of 3% each bill is a bit different. Some will show decrease some even with homestead may show a slight dollar increase. The very last column is a closer projection to what your actual municipal taxes will be. It shows if no budget changes were made. This is called a roll back rate of 7.5884 and the value in the very last column will show the closest estimate of your taxes for 2024-2025.  

The system is a bit different if you are new to the area. There are multiple taxing agencies that set various millage rates. The county rate increased slightly, and the school board reduced slightly. Under all three agencies, county schools and city, there is debt service. This is a charge to pay back bonds. Ours is for the Government Obligation Bond GO Bond for our parks. This rate as well was reduced.  

For residents that are living in one of our two Safe Neighborhood Districts there was no change in the tax rate but due to property value increases there is a change in taxes collected. Safe Neighborhood Taxing Districts are areas designated to provide an additional overlay of security measures paid for solely by the property owners in the district. 

The proposed tax bill also provides the date and time of all public hearings that are mandated to be held by each taxing agency. Our meeting will be held on September 12th at 5:05 PM. All our budget information can be found online at We are proud that we have an interactive portal that provides not just access but transparency so our residents can work within the budget documents. 

 One of the districts is Three Island which is comprised of condominiums and townhomes on Three Islands Boulevard north of the intercostal fixed bridge, Parkview Drive, Leslie Drive and just east of the fixed bridge on Atlantic Shores. The distract borders Hollywood. The district has unmanned guardhouses and gates. They also have additional roving security.  

The district has adopted a master plan to add traffic calming, upgrades to the guardhouse guard arms and other improvements to the entrances, this plan has been on hold until the underground utilities are completed. The two major projects for utility upgrades are in design. One is the sanitary sewer lift station and the other is a new water line service. The goal is to have them bid by January with construction in July into 2026. Once they are complete, the plan is to start the SND project.  

Golden Isles is the other district which is located on Layne Boulevard. This is much different than TISND as there is only one way in and out. It encompasses single family homes and five, two to three story condominium buildings south of Golden Ilse's park. There is a staffed guardhouse and roving Hallandale Beach off Duty police officer from 10 pm – 7 am.  

GISND is in the process of implementing a Master Plan as well. It includes what it termed complete streets. This area was developed house by house so there were never unified lights and sidewalks. Since 2007 there has been a desire to implement the plan, but I do not have the political will. It was not until recently with the regentrification of the neighborhood which gas brought with it the strong majority with desire to make much needed improvements. The vision for the district took place over the past year and the next step is the planning of probable costs.  

 Layne Boulevard is currently under construction for 16-inch water main and the Egret Drive lift station is also being replaced. Next summer the city will be replacing lines on Holiday Drive. Like TISND work will not be done above ground until the infrastructure is completed.  

Please do not forget the Budget Public Hearing on September 12th at 5:05 pm.

Working for you! Always have! Always will! Please feel free to contact me anytime with your question concerns and ideas to make our city a better place at office 954-457-1318, cell/text 954-632-5700 or visit my website at   



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