As your Mayor with experience knowledge and integrity to handle these critical issues. Let us unite so our city remains safe , vibrant, welcoming and filled with opportunity for all.

Mayor Joy Cooper was first elected to the Hallandale Beach City Commission in 1999. She has served as commissioner, vice mayor and is the first directly elected mayor in the history of Hallandale Beach. She was born in Trenton New Jersey and grew up as one of six children in Levittown, Pennsylvania. She worked at New Jerseys Division of Taxation Audit Division before taking a leave to help her husband Dr Harry Cooper open his practice.
Mayor Cooper and her husband have owned property in South Florida since 1985 and made Hallandale Beach their full-time home in 1991. She and Harry have been married for 38 years. They are the proud parents of three children, Jaime Cassini , Alana and Tony Moreno and Matt and Cristina Cooper. She and Harry are also the proud grandparents of Justin age 16, twins Derek and Isabell 7 and Alex 1 year.
I addition to being Mayor she serves as Chair of the Halladale Beach CRA , Chair of Three Islands Safe Neighborhood District and Chair of Golden Isles Safe Neighborhood District.
Mayor Cooper is past President of the Broward League of Cities and has served actively on their board since elected to Hallandale Beach Commission. She also has served on the Florida League of Cities Board in many positions and is a past President.
Mayor Cooper has been selected to serve on the Broward County MPO by the commission. While a member of the board she was appointed by the board to serve on their Executive Board and is the Vice Chair. This board is tasked with working side by side with Broward’s municipalities and Broward County to address transportation planning.
Mayor Cooper is one of the 40 Trustees of the US Conference of Mayors. She was first appointed to the USCM Advisory Board in 2007 and is a past Chair of the USCM Woman’s Caucus and Water Council . Currently she serves on the International Affairs Committee and the Mayors Water Council.
Mayor Cooper served as one of two elected officials on the Florida Redevelopment Board for 6 years. Mayor Cooper was selected to serve on the Board of Directors of the National League of Cities for two years.
Mayor Joy Cooper was one of the original signatories of the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Act in 2005. Currently she is a member of the National Climate Mayor. In addition to working towards improved communications between city government and all constituents, her goals include keeping Hallandale Beach “Clean & Green” She is always accessible 7/24/365 to serve all stakeholders in Hallandale Beach.
Mayor Cooper is also a weekly columnist for South Florida SunTimes where she writes about city and business and issues impacting our community.
Joy has work with her husband since he established Hallandale Beach Orthopedics PA in 2004. In her spare time she enjoys volunteering at our local schools, traveling with her family, cooking, tennis, golf, skiing, and boating.